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18 January 2013

Chile: no way rosé, part 4!

This latest post carries on the spirit of my slightly obsessive rosé-tinted-spectacles theme started in back 2011 (click there), exploring the perhaps contentious argument that Chile is making some of the best rosés coming out of the 'New World' or South and North America even. These two 'serious' food-demanding rosados tasting-noted below came my way recently, one bought from Marks & Spencer and the other a probably widely distributed brand from Torres.

2012 Santa Digna Cabernet Sauvignon rosé Miguel Torres Chile - Curicó, Central Valley. "Fair trade" 13.5% alc. £8.99 Curley's Wine Cellars, NI, and other independents in the UK, Ireland (via Findlater's) and North America (see where I copied the photo from).
Pretty deep colour and rich fruity aromas and flavours, creamy rounded palate with lush strawberry and raspberry, quite full-bodied and long with refreshing bite too. Good with salmon and smoked fish.

2011 Secano Estate Pinot Noir rosé Viña Leyda - Leyda Valley. 13.5% alc. £8.99 M&S
Having loved the 2010 vintage of this serious pink wine, the 2011 is perhaps even better (it is a rosé that can last a bit longer than most and improve even). Rich rounded and fruity, full-bodied complex and concentrated, lovely ripe red fruits and creamy texture/flavours vs nice weight then crisp intense finish. One of the best rosés I've tried over the past year. Try with a tender veal schnitzel or Thai food.

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