Roussillon 'French Catalonia' wine book

"Order my book on the Roussillon direct saving £4/€4 (UK & EU only) or download the Kindle eBook on Amazon UK . Buy it in the USA ...

Showing posts with label Sud de France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sud de France. Show all posts

03 August 2013

Sud de France Festival London 31 August

Or "Languedoc‐Roussillon Joie de Vivre in the heart of London (on the Southbank)..." as their PR blurb says; sounds tempting, non? All you need to know here: with updates on Facebook SuddeFranceFestivalUK and Twitter @Suddefranceuk / #suddefrance.
A few people showing their south of France wines and food include Bemywine, Hourlier, Majestic, Roberson, Sanglier, Borough Wines, Château Cabezac, Gerard Bertrand, Laurent Miquel, Paul Mas, Elliots, Le Marché du Quartier, RAW, Saveur du Sud and Summer Fruit...

15 June 2012

Sud de France Festival London

... Has blasted off. Check out this link for all Languedoc-Roussillon wine & food events taking place until the end of the month:


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