Roussillon 'French Catalonia' wine book

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06 February 2015

WES NI latest: wine tastings, courses and workshops in Belfast

'Classic Grape Varieties' tasting Thursday 26 February - now sold out!

'New Spain' tutored tasting - Thursday 26 March 7 to 9 pm - £27.50
"We'll taste and talk about classic reds from, for example, Rioja and Ribeira del Duero and also venture into lesser-known territory like (real) Sherry country, Galicia for whites and Catalonia, including some very good Cava no doubt!"

Essential Wine Tasting 5-week course - £125 for 5 sessions
New dates: Thursday evenings 14/05/15 to 11/06/15.

'New World Wines' Saturday workshop - 6 June 2015
£90 including 2-course lunch
"What do we mean by 'New World' wines? We'll spend the day tasting and talking about a dozen or so classic styles, red white and rosé, mostly from wine producing countries in the Southern Hemisphere such as Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina and South Africa; as well as choice examples from North America... Showing that 'New World' is, apart from its patronising colonial tone, just as much about attitude perhaps as it is about location and climate. And then what about certain New World producers in cooler regions, who are deliberately trying to make more 'European' wine styles?! The day will be nicely broken up by lunch at the hotel..."

More info and online booking:, or get in touch with me via the contact form on the right.
You can also pay by card using Paypal (you don't need a Paypal account to do this) - select the tasting below and click on the button, which takes you to PP's secure payment page (you can amend quantity of tickets there too).

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