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25 March 2011

Languedoc: Domaine Barroubio, Saint-Jean-de-Minervois

I've enjoyed Barroubio's wines on numerous occasions; the first one directly below was tasted at the end of October 2008 during Les Grands Chemins 'Rencontres en Minervois' (annual wine, food and arts festival centred on the broodingly Mediaeval village of Minerve and surrounding area - that link goes to the website), at the Chai de Port Minervois - Homps (a wine shop that holds tastings too):
2007 Domaine Barroubio cuvée classique Muscat de Saint-Jean-de-Minervois (15%) - attractive style with typical floral grapey and orange peel notes; sweet v good "cut" and fair punch & intensity. Very nice with a local goats' cheese (didn't note its name...). Still, a bit dear at €9. 85+

And the 08 vintage tasted in March 2010 with pud at La Distillerie restaurant in Saint Marcel sur Aude (goes to review post of that fine establishment):
2008 Muscat St-Jean-de-Minervois - textbook style with lively aromatic Muscat fruit; not so sweet in the mouth thanks to its refreshing bite, nice with a light dessert such as raspberry mousse.

Most recently, there are several more Muscats (dry, sweet, grappa...) and a splendid 2010 rosé, tasted in March 2011, lurking on this blog here: Languedoc: Minervois & Muscat. Which concludes nicely that nice Mr. Barroubio is indeed one of the Languedoc's leading Muscat specialists! However, as I said, that lively rosé goes to show he's more than a one trick pony, although I wasn't that mad on one of his reds I tried over dinner in Carcassonne on the same trip, but it could have just been blown away by the hugeness of the cassoulet (that lardy classic duck and pork cooked in white beans and goose fat)!

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